Monday, October 12, 2009

A fresh start.

After travelling this summer, I decided to take a rather extended hiatus form this blog. This was mainly down to me feeling perhaps a lack of confidence in myself or maybe even getting a reality check. For me, this blog was a rather selfish venture in order to experiment and find my own personal style. As interesting I may have found it, I began to feel incredibly narrow minded simply posting pictures of what I wear. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I don't need to pin my style down to a certain 'look'. I wear what I want, when I want and I don't really understand what drove me to feel as though I should be able to narrow my clothing choices down to a succinct lst of words! I dress according to mood and practicality, as well as finding ways to disguise the parts of me I'm not too fond of!

So why begin blogging again? Basically, I find few people who really want to discuss fashion in depth. I find myself spouting many an extended monologue about the insane shoes at Alexander McQueen or how sick I am of shoulder pads (does anyone else feel the same way?) so even if no one actually reads this, I can at least have some sort of outlet for my sartorial witterings!